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Students who withdraw from classes during certain time frames may be entitled to a reduction of all or a portion of their tuition.

In What Situations May Tuition and Fees Be Reduced?

Whether or not tuition and fees may be reduced can depend on the length of the class, date of withdrawal, and how many credits you are enrolled in for the semester overall.

Withdrawing During the Add/Drop Period

If you withdraw from one or more classes during the add/drop period for the classes, you may be eligible for a full reduction of tuition and fees of the dropped class(es).

Please be aware that if you are enrolled full-time for the semester, you would not see a reduction in charges unless you drop below full-time enrollment. This is due to the fact that most tuition and fee assessment stops at full-time enrollment. Some examples to help explain:

  • If an undergraduate student drops from 15 credit hours to 12 credit hours during the add/drop period for the class - which is still full-time for the semester - their tuition and fees would not be reduced. Their initial tuition and fee assessment was capped at 12 credit hours, so they were never assessed additional tuition and fees for the 3 credit hours that brought them up to 15 hours.
  • However, if a student drops from 15 credit hours to 9 credit hours during the add/drop period, they would receive a tuition and fee reduction for the 3 credit hours that fall under full-time, because they were initially assessed tuition and fees up to the 12 credit hours.
  • If an undergraduate student is enrolled in 8 hours for the semester and drops to 6 hours during the add/drop period for the class, they would receive a tuition and fee reduction for the 2 credit hours.

Some programs require courses that are longer than the standard length of 16 weeks for fall and spring and 12 weeks during summer. Any reduction after withdrawal from these courses will be assessed using the standard course lengths in weeks.

Withdrawing After the Add/Drop Period

After the add/drop period for the classes have passed, students must fully withdraw from all classes for the semester to receive any reduction in tuition and fees. This means there is no reduction for individual classes dropped.

See the Reduction Schedule on this page for the appropriate semester to see how much tuition and fees may be reduced for a full withdrawal after the add/drop period has passed.

Please be aware that there is a point - based on the length of the class and date of withdrawal - where no tuition/fees will be reduced. See GradGuard Tuition Insurance for information on insuring your investment.

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What Is Non-Refundable Tuition?

Whether tuition and fees may be reduced can depend on the length of the class, the date of withdrawal, and how many credits you are enrolled in for the semester overall. If you withdraw from one or more classes during the add/drop period, you may be eligible for a full reduction of tuition and fees for the dropped class(es). After the add/drop period for the classes has passed, students must fully withdraw from all classes for the semester to receive any reduction in tuition and fees.

Please be aware that there is a point - based on the length of the class and date of withdrawal - where no tuition and fees will be reduced. See In What Situations May Tuition and Fees Be Reduced for more information. You can also see What About Reductions in On-Campus Housing and Dining Fees for information on potential fee reductions for on-campus housing or for dining plans. You can also explore GradGuard tuition insurance to help protect your investment if you are unable to complete the semester due to a covered medical reason.

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Will I Receive a Refund If My Charges Are Reduced?

Once a reduction in charges has been posted, the WVU Hub team will review the charges and payments (financial aid, personal payments, scholarships) to determine if a refund is due to you.

Please be aware that, for financial aid recipients, withdrawing from courses can impact both current and future financial aid eligibility. See our Financial Aid Withdrawing from Courses webpage for information on potential impacts on aid.

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What About Reductions in On-Campus Housing and Dining Fees?

Potential reductions in fees for on-campus housing or dining plans may depend on your date of withdrawal and/or when you move out and turn in your key. Contact WVU Housing and WVU Dining Services with questions regarding those fees.

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How Will Withdrawing Impact My Institutional Scholarship?

When a student completely withdraws from a semester, their institutional scholarship may be reduced according to the Reduction Schedule on this webpage. Additionally, the scholarship is canceled for future semesters, and a student must submit a Scholarship Exception Request to appeal for scholarship reinstatement. These requests are reviewed on a case-by-case basis and approval is not guaranteed.

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Tuition Reduction Schedule: Summer 2025

The tuition and fee reduction depends on if you are enrolled in classes for the full semester or part of the semester. Please read the In what situations may tuition and fees be reduced? section to ensure you understand when reductions may be applicable.

Summer 2025 Tuition Reduction Schedule for Full-Semester Enrollment

Full semester courses span the 12 weeks of the semester. After the add/drop period for the classes have passed, students must fully withdraw from all classes for the semester to receive any reduction in tuition and fees. This means there is no reduction for individual classes dropped.

Date of Withdrawal Percentage of Tuition Reduced
Withdraw by May 20, 2025 100%
Withdraw from May 21 to May 24, 2025 90%
Withdraw from May 25 to June 2, 2025 75%
Withdraw from June 3 to June 17, 2025 50%
Withdraw on or after June 17, 2025 0%

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Summer 2025 Tuition Reduction Schedule for Partial-Semester Courses

Partial semester courses do not span the typical 12- and 15-week summer course lengths. After the add/drop period for the classes have passed, students must fully withdraw from all classes for the semester to receive any reduction in tuition and fees. This means there is no reduction for individual classes dropped.

Course Length
Date of Withdraw 15 Weeks 12 Weeks 9 Weeks 8 Weeks 6 Weeks 3 Weeks
Week 1 100% - - - - -
Week 2 90% - - - - -
Week 3 75% - - - - -
Week 4 75% - - - - -
Week 5 50% - - - - -
Week 6 50% - - - - -
Week 7 50% - - - - -
Day 1 - 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%
Day 2 - 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%
Day 3 - 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%
Day 4 - 90% 90% 90% 90% 75%
Day 5 - 90% 75% 75% 75% 50%
Day 6 - 90% 75% 75% 75% 50%
Day 7 - 75% 75% 75% 75% 50%
Day 8 - 75% 75% 75% 75% 0%
Day 9 - 75% 75% 75% 50% -
Day 10 - 75% 75% 75% 50% -
Day 11 - 75% 75% 50% 50% -
Day 12 - 75% 50% 50% 50% -
Day 13 - 75% 50% 50% 50% -
Day 14 - 75% 50% 50% 50% -
Day 15 - 75% 50% 50% 50% -
Day 16 - 50% 50% 50% 0% -
Day 17 - 50% 50% 50% - -
Day 18 - 50% 50% 50% - -
Day 19 - 50% 50% 50% - -
Day 20 - 50% 50% 50% - -
Day 21 - 50% 50% 0% - -
Day 22 - 50% 50% - - -
Day 23 - 50% 0% - - -
Day 24 - 50% - - - -
Day 25 - 50% - - - -
Day 26 - 50% - - - -
Day 27 - 50% - - - -
Day 28 - 50% - - - -
Day 29 - 50% - - - -
Day 30 - 50% - - - -
Day 31 - 0% - - - -

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Tuition Reduction Schedule: Spring 2025

The tuition and fee reduction depends on if you are enrolled in classes for the full semester or part of the semester. Please read the In what situations may tuition and fees be reduced? section to ensure you understand when reductions may be applicable.

Spring 2025 Tuition Reduction Schedule for Full-Semester Enrollment

Full semester courses span the 16 weeks of the semester. After the add/drop period for the classes have passed, students must fully withdraw from all classes for the semester to receive any reduction in tuition and fees. This means there is no reduction for individual classes dropped.

Date of Withdrawal Percentage of Tuition Reduced
Withdraw by Jan. 17, 2025 100%
Withdraw from Jan. 18 to Jan. 26, 2025 90%
Withdraw from Jan. 27 to Feb. 9, 2025 75%
Withdraw from Feb. 10 to Mar. 9, 2025 50%
Withdraw on or after Mar. 10, 2025 0%

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Spring 2025 Tuition Reduction Schedule for Partial-Semester Courses

Partial-semester courses do not span the full 16 weeks of the semester. After the add/drop period for the classes have passed, students must fully withdraw from all classes for the semester to receive any reduction in tuition and fees. This means there is no reduction for individual classes dropped.

Course Length
Day of Withdraw 12 Weeks 8 Weeks 6 Weeks 5 Weeks
Day 1 & 2 100% 100% 100% 100%
Day 3 90% 90% 90% 90%
Day 4 90% 90% 90% 75%
Day 5 90% 90% 75% 75%
Day 6 90% 75% 75% 75%
Day 7 90% 75% 75% 75%
Day 8 90% 75% 75% 75%
Day 9 75% 75% 75% 50%
Day 10 75% 75% 75% 50%
Day 11 75% 75% 50% 50%
Day 12 75% 75% 50% 50%
Day 13 75% 75% 50% 50%
Day 14 75% 75% 50% 50%
Day 15 75% 50% 50% 50%
Day 16 75% 50% 50% 50%
Day 17 75% 50% 50% 50%
Day 18 75% 50% 50% 0%
Day 19 75% 50% 50% 0%
Day 20 75% 50% 50% 0%
Day 21 75% 50% 0% 0%
Day 22 50% 50% 0% 0%
Day 23 50% 50% 0% 0%
Day 24 50% 50% 0% 0%
Day 25 50% 50% 0% 0%
Day 26 50% 50% 0% 0%
Day 27 50% 50% 0% 0%
Days 28 to 41 50% 0% 0% 0%
Days 42 to 82 0% 0% 0% 0%

GradGuard Tuition Insurance

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We understand that the investment you and your family make in tuition and fees is significant which can create a financial hardship if you are unable to complete your classes and are not eligible for a full refund of tuition and fees. Tuition Refund Insurance, provided by GradGuard™, can help protect your investment by refunding your tuition, fees, housing, and food charges - up to the annual policy limits - if you are unable to complete the semester due to a covered medical reason. Off-campus housing expenses can include early termination fees associated with vacating housing and terminating utility contracts during the covered semester, not including security deposits. This insurance program complements and enhances WVU's withdrawal policy.

For additional information, including coverage details and exclusions, please visit GradGuard or call GradGuard at 866-724-4384.

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